środa, 12 marca 2014


Born of Polish teatcher mother and physic father I can see the beauty of the world around me  and at the same time I am directed by the desire to know where it came from.
My last visit to the planetarium ended with a tearful emotions. When it comes to the inexpressible and incomprehensible abyss I can be called a crybaby.

If you missed Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, television series written by the great Carl Sagan and produced in 1978 and 1979, now you've got fantastic opportunity to catch up. Right in this month sequel Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey has been released. You don't have to be brainiac, geek or astronom to understand that we are part of the universe. So don't diminish science just because it speaks the language of numbers, formulas and difficult concepts.
Only science has actually proven that we are made of the same matter, which can be found in the stars. Isn't it just encouraging us to do great things?

środa, 26 lutego 2014

All is lost

First, the movie.
How many movies about man all alone in the boat, in the middle of the sea or ocean could you name? How many of them have made you take your breath from frustration and nervousness. I will remember this one for a long long time. Since it has both silence and genuine Robert Redford face. It's not the movie you expect it to be.
The movie especially made me think about the very last chances... I hope that I would never experience situation with having a belief  that it's all or nothing. Nevertheless, we can found ourselves in this position every day..only the scale is smaller. Fight or let it go. Be brave, like you wish you are. Or wait for better weather to act. You can grumble. You can perform miracles. Nonsense? Maybe, but you can decide.

Secondly, long time no see & no read friend contact me in the name of rescue our common friend from her miserable everyday and hopelessness. My faith in people has been restored. My head is bursting with thoughts how many good and useful things we can do together. Tasks and goals has been fixed, let's go! Until we operate.... all is not lost!

wtorek, 21 stycznia 2014

Inspirations #1

    You can meet them everywhere. Today, I've found some stimulating thoughts in quotes and movie and also couple glances out the window let me think that I'm in really fine place right now. In every sense of it. 
    That was a pretty good day, thank you. 

Love it!

niedziela, 19 stycznia 2014


     Because I can.
    Because I need to climb on the heights and develop in some visible way. Besides, I don't think it's going to disturb many people not to read this in Polish. Very few of you looks in here on regular basis, I'm grateful for that and promise to stay in touch with you. 
    Although everything is fine with my life, I need something that I cannot call. Since I started think about the missing part it has adopted different names and lack of dreams is probably the closest one. I've got some hide deep inside but because there is no prospects of fulfillment these particular dreams and hopes have been put aside, almost forgotten. When accomplishment requires the paricipation of another person, you don't want to force him, convince, blackmail or use tricks that restricts someone's freedom. As always in such cases, I'm wondering where my freedom ends, and if I have to abandon my own plans, does it make me limited? And what's more, confused and sad.
I'm going to search for recipe and do not rest until I found it. Something tells me it all starts with honest talking.
    Today, I'm saying good night...and good luck!

środa, 8 stycznia 2014

Anaïs Nin

Miłość nigdy nie umiera śmiercią naturalną.
Umiera z powodu naszej ślepoty, błędów i zdrad.
Umiera chora i poraniona. Umiera ze zmęczenia,
braku wody, braku blasku. 
Anaïs Nin

    Czytam, pamiętam i myślę o tym. Mam swoje dni "rozważania pisma" i są takie, w których te słowa znaczą więcej i są mnie bliżej niż inne, szczególnie te niosące optymistyczne przesłanie dla świata. Są dni smutku i jakiejś takiej niemocy, i mam wrażenie, że tylko świadoma akceptacja takiego stanu rzeczy ma moc sprawczą znalezienia w sobie siły na spokojne dopłynięcia do następnego portu. Bez histerii, bez niepotrzebnego siłowania się. Bez zmuszania do rozmowy. Może to natura wymusza na mnie paradepresyjne zachowania i przeżycie dnia bez radosnego podskakiwania, hormony czy ki pies. Koniec końców pamiętam tylko o wodzie przy łóżku i głaskaniu pleców przed snem, nie dam nam zginąć z pragnienia i braku blasku.